Oh my gosh, I cannot describe this episode. It was so funny. Since I can't possibly describe it I'll just put the pictures
here for your enjoyment.

Brooke has her way with Tad before his wedding to Erica. |

Maria finally remembers Edmund, but he's already married to Brooke. |

Brooke and Edmund share a kiss. |

Simone comes calling next. |

Mia needs no excuse to sleep with Tad. |

Little does David know Anna's with Tad. |

David thinks he should have more airtime in this fan fantasy. |

Maria jumps Tad and knocks him backward onto the bed. |

Joe reminds Erica they have a child and she shouldn't be marrying Tad. |

Jack fills in as minister. |

All hell breaks loose when Jack asks if anyone objects to the marriage. |

Bianca tackles Kendall. |

Maria grabs Brooke... |

While Edmund flips David. |

And pummels her with pillows. |

Erica grabs Opal by the hair. |

Tad bops Adam with a tray as he sneaks away. |

Chris pulls Jacks vest over his head and punches him. |

He sneaks away to the bar and runs into Liza!!!!!!!! |

Maria regained her memory, only to find out she'd lost Edmund to Brooke. |