A once in a lifetime treat-lunch with Julia Barr. Julia treated some members of the brookedmund group to lunch. From
left to right, Littleasb, Farrah, peacenspirit,Julia Barr, Angie, Jaime, Marcie, BrokEdfan.
If you'd like to read about our experience click here.

Marcie, Littleasb, Julia, Farrah, BrokEdfan, Angie and peacenspirit at lunch with Julia Barr. |

Julia getting ready to sign a Brooke and Edmund BEautiful and Eternal t-shirt. |

Julia opening the cds we gave her. They were all songs that reminded us of Brooke and Edmund. |

Julia holding the scrapbook from the brookedmund group. |

BrokEdfan made a beautiful scrapbook of memories from the brookedmund group members |

Julia reading some of the beautiful letters from group members in her scrapbook. |
Wow! What an incredible day. None of us will ever forget
this day. Julia was warm, funny and incredibly generous to spend her precious time off with us.
We love you Julia!